Country TakeOvers

Are you experienced at taking over a country?

Have you been playing the game of Risk(R) like forever and secretly wishing you could go out and get your own country now.

Well you are in luck because there are now a few ways to get your own country.

You will have to hurry though since there are only so many available countries in the world and sometimes there are none available, so a first mover advantage is high priority.

Oh, got no experience at Country TakeOvers! We got you covered there too! People take over countries all the time when available. I don’t have an  e-book or affiliate program yet, but I am working on that! In the meantime you may want to search out for a man named George Soros. As far as I can tell he’s into Country TakeOvers. He has already taken over four countries, so you may want to see if you can get any advice from him.  Just search him out  on the Internet, send him an email or a letter if you like. Tell him you found his name in a free review on Country TakeOvers and you would really like to get started. No I am not compensated in any way, shape or form for the referral.

Here is one link to get you started. Look and see how much fun you can have while pursuing  a rewarding career  as a Country TakeOver Specialist.

=======End of Review for Country TakeOvers Biz Model========

This is just an unbiased review of a new and upcoming business model.

Not interested in taking over a country…..don’t give up yet…there is another business model for you.

As an alternative to taking over a country, you could buy an island, even a small one, collect some garbage from around the world, stuff it in your inlets and bays and expand right away. But then what good is a new country without people. Well lucky for you used boats are available too. You could get one of those. If you are non-profit, maybe someone would donate a boat to help you populate your new country. You could sell one-way tickets to potential inhabitants to offset the costs.

I am working on an e-book and affiliate program for this business model too, so forgive me if I cannot divulge all the secrets. Stop back though, join the mail list and peruse the site. Heck I may even throw in a surprise bonus offer but only if you pay attention and act quick.

Think this a spoof?

I wish it was!

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Infidel Killers

Found a video showing  two terrorists performing an act of violence.

One of the terrorists was sacrificing himself for Allah during the act.

I guess he was doing the right thing as far as he was concerned and those people who led him to believe he was doing the right thing.

It was obvious he was looking forward to pleasing Allah and gaining his reward, whatever that will be!

But I became confused when he prayed to Allah for forgiveness of the chaos he was about to unleash on the infidels.

And so I had to conclude that he was misled and carrying out the act of violence based on what another man told him to do for the sake of Allah.


Who seeks forgiveness for doing what God wants you to do?

As far as I can tell, no one!

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Hello World

Hello and Welcome.

When you find a rock, you can crawl under it,  build upon it, or maybe even use it as a skipping stone on a nearby river.  But it may be better just to leave it alone, especially if it is not in your own backyard.

There are laws in effect to protect rocks you know. They cannot be removed from national, state or local parks and if you get caught well…..there is a price to pay. You will get sent to live on a rock and move rocks around or break them up into smaller rocks while you are there, at the very least until you can appreciate the true value of a rock and walk by one without disturbing it.

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